102 - During The Session
Some of the best-adjusted subjects will have absolutely no response. You’ll try to do an arm lift - suggest five different ways to Friday that it should go up - going from lightness to imagery to metaphors to even suggesting they might notice it moving up on the breath in - and it won’t fucking budge. This is because they’re doing exactly what their hypnotist asked them to do - waiting for something to happen! We never taught them how to actively engage with the experience.
At many times, these approaches will not apply! More important than any of this advice is working with your hypnotist.
With that in mind, here’s what we can do.
Trancee/Subject is an Active Role
I think one of the biggest misunderstandings with new subjects is that their role is entirely passive. If you engage like you would watch a PowerPoint presentation from the back of the class - not much is going to happen. If you’ve been to ‘group drops’ before, this might even be this missing component for you to make it more effective. Actively engage with suggestions - things only work if you put in the work.
But - don’t do ALL the work
If someone comes to see me and they are an experienced meditator they may appear to be an ideal candidate for hypnosis. Without a doubt, they will be experienced at going into trance and their interest in the process will produce an internal analytical loop that can be easily utilised. However, there can be a downside to such a client and that is their tendency to want to assist the hypnotist. If they want to analyse everything that it happening at the conscious and subconscious level, I have not got a problem with that and it makes my job substantially easier. Yet, if they are trying to fulfil my role, rather than allowing themselves to experience what is taking place, we could have difficulties. As such, I tend to say that I use confusion for people whose mind gets in their own way.
Old, Graham. Hypnosis with the Hard to Hypnotise: How to do Inductions with Resistant Clients, Analytical Subjects and Others who may be Difficult to Hypnotise (The Inductions Masterclass Book 6) (p. 134). Plastic Spoon. Kindle Edition.
This applies more to therapy - but self-directing can also get in the way, depending on what shenanigans you’re up to. When things are “working well,” do your best to follow along.
Let it Happen
You shouldn’t have to “force or fight” phenomena. If your arm becomes heavy - let it. If you get an amnesia suggestion and begin to forget your name or think of something else, let it happen to the best of your abilities. If you’re uncomfortable with a suggestion - stop.
Just Noticeable Differences
Got a moment for an experiment? If so - great! Stick with me. If not - come back here later. It’ll only take a minute.
In a moment, I’d like you to…
- Rest both of your hands on your lap, letting them relax in whatever position feels comfortable.
- Notice any feelings you may have in the tips of your index fingers.
- Give yourself a moment. How do they feel different from one another? Is there tingling? Some movement? Can you feel your pulse?
- Hone in on one of those feelings.
- As you notice that feeling, take as much time as you need to figure out where it’s strongest. Is it stronger in the tip of your left index finger, or your right index finger?
- Shift all of your focus to where it’s strongest.
- Allow that feeling to build.
My guess is that before any of this, you were completely unaware of the feelings in your fingertips, and the feeling became even stronger after giving it your attention. We can use this same method to build phenomena we’re experiencing in hypnosis - by waiting curiously, noticing, comparing, and then letting it build. The idea is to play right at the threshold of perception and awareness, rather than the peak.
How To Be Curious
This is less about some bullshit new age healing device than it is about where to put your attention. For example, let’s examine when you’re asked to exhale slowly…
- Suboptimal internal dialog: “Okay, I took that deep breath out NOW WHAT.”
- Slightly more optimal: “Okay.” slowly allowing the breath to release.
- Even better: “All-righty.” taking a moment, shifting all of their focus to the breath going out, slowly letting it release, shifting their attention back to how it feels. (Hypnotist: “And you may notice that as you release that breath, the muscles in your begin to relax.”) Internally again: “Hm… I wasn’t noticing that. I’ll wait a sec and bounce to the breath.” They shift their attention back to their breath, and notice their shoulders begin to droop just a tiny bit. They let their shoulders relax, thinking “Ah. That’s how it works.”
Allow Intensity to Build
A bit more on the active side - but it’s easy to know how a feeling or sensation is moving, growing, or you’re just becoming more aware of it.
Again - Letting It Happen
Feel what you feel, notice what you notice, and experience what you experience. You don’t need to force or fight anything.
If something’s happening - great! Let it happen.
Stepping Objective and Subjective Reality
Here’s a cool trick - it’s often easier to imagine something happening than to imagine feeling something. As Joe K Fobes suggests, we can exploit this for fun and profit.
- Imagine that your hand is stuck. Take as long as you need to imagine that.
- Imagine what it would feel like if your hand was stuck. Again, take a moment.
- Now, notice the feelings you’re currently experiencing that your hand is actually stuck. Take as much time as you need to notice them.
- And now, notice your hand is really stuck.
This is a solid tool for troubleshooting motor suggestions.
Ah - the dreaded F word. Focus is often cited as a core component of hypnosis as a state - but this has the unfortunate side effect of chasing people off, or even discouraging those from ADHD from even trying. You don’t need undivided, unbreakable attention. You just need to give as much attention to your hypnotist’s suggestions as you’re giving to reading these words.
But - a little focus can nudge things in the right direction. And obviously, if your hypnotist instructs you to avoid focusing, these instructions do not apply.
Labeling Extraneous Thoughts
I’ll just come out and say it - it’s normal to think all the way through your session.
Imagine for a moment, interviewing 100 people who had not responded to an induction and asking them “What were you doing during the induction?” My suspicion is that close to 100 of them would answer that they were listening and thinking. That is, after all, what they are supposed to be doing!
Old, Graham. Hypnosis with the Hard to Hypnotise: How to do Inductions with Resistant Clients, Analytical Subjects and Others who may be Difficult to Hypnotise (The Inductions Masterclass Book 6) (p. 67). Plastic Spoon. Kindle Edition.
Thoughts are great! It means you’re still alive. You can have a better time if you learn to work with them rather than fighting them.
- Acknowledge we saw the thought, and acknowledge that we can watch it leave just as easily.
- Imagine the thought as a leaf on a river. You watch the stream covered in leaves come in, notice the leaves, and watch as they travel away.
- Label the thoughts. That’s negative self talk. That’s anxiety. That’s planning. That’s comfort. That’s irrelevant.
I’ve covered this before - so I can keep this quick. Ideally, you shouldn’t be dozing off during your session. Don’t lie down horizontally except in special circumstances. If you’re starting to dream, you’re probably missing out on your session. Gently bring your attention back to your hypnotist’s suggestions if you can. If you keep finding yourself dozing off, it might be time to apologize and call it off for the night.
Alter Your Experience - a book on self hypnosis by Anthony Jacquin re-hashed a bunch of “do not” instructions, and I can’t wait to do it again. Hell - I even get to tell you not to do something, and that’s going to step on some beginner hypnotists’ toes.
Don’t actively remember, imagine, think, analyze, or direct. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring it back. If your hypnotist tells you to let your mind wander, let it.
Avoid ‘not working’ thoughts
Here are some surefire ways to make sure your session will suck:
- Think “This isn’t working.”
- Think “This is role-play.”
- Think “This is silly.”
And sure - you may have questions about the effectiveness of hypnosis in general. That’s okay - but go back and read those again, but this time imagining you’re in a guided meditation class.
Make sense? Avoid those thoughts if you can. Things are probably working fine - a speed bump every once in a while is normal.
A Little Nudge
It’s okay if you find yourself helping your suggestions intensify! However, if you do this, let your hypnotist know after the session! They probably want to know how to be more effective in guiding your experience.
Further Reading
- 5: Safety introduction - just good advice.
- Hypnosis with the Hard to Hypnotize - Graham Old. Plenty of thoughts on things people regularly fuck up with hypnosis.
- Alter Your Experience: The Art of Self-Hypnosis by Anthony Jacquin. This book repeats itself so many times your eyes will slide right off the page, but the advice in the book isn’t bad. If you’re interested in the “do not” suggestions, they’re on page 69.