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03 - Triggers

Triggers are simple. Defining their behavior is less so. Start with a good ol’ fashioned pleasure trigger, and work up from there. You can absolutely suggest complex behavior and intentions with a trigger - like submission or limiting behavior. Or - you can use this for motor suggestions like petrification. This is where books like Mind Play Study Guide shine - not for the theory, but just for being a resource for inspiration.


There’s three obvious parts to trigger safety:

  • Not firing them off accidentally
  • Only doing it when the time is right
  • Making sure the ‘effects’ have an automatic off switch.

I like to combine two things and a phrase. EG…

  • “Any time I touch your nose and I say Mario Jump, you’ll…”
  • “When I’m dangling socks in front of your face and I say Huff Huff you’ll…”
  • “When I’m holding a balloon and I squeeze down on it saying Pressure you’ll…”
  • Optionally - it’s common to tie it to their name. EG: When I and only I say Mario - Jump!

This ties it to…

  • Me (Pick some people!)
  • An action
  • And a word

Next up - suggest this will only happen when it’s safe and appropriate. Or alternatively, right place, right time, with the right people. Reinforce that it’s up to the subject to determine this.

Thirdly, set a time limit on that trigger. It was funny the last time you got disconnected after firing off a statue trigger and your subject’s DoorDash order got cold - but it’s not ideal.


Triggers aren’t terribly complicated! After they’re in trance, just go through these steps.

  1. Outline what you’ll be creating. Note any associations you feel will stack the deck in your favor. (EG - for feelings of focus or flow, reminding them of something they do repeatedly. Or - for relaxation, reminding them of times they’ve been relaxed. )
  2. Start to directly suggest those feelings bit by bit. Begin to look for reactions. When you start to see a reaction, build for a bit, then ‘create the trigger.’ “Every time you hear X and I touch your shoulder, you’ll find Y.”
  3. “That’s right.” Reinforce, build the strength. Re-use the trigger a few times to drill it in.
  4. Suggest that they can come back out of trance, taking this trigger with them.

After this, take it for a test drive! Reinforce it a few times. Have fun!

Ratification and Tacit Contracts

Here’s two more ways to cement those triggers. I’ve got a guide in progress for these techniques and concepts… but here’s the short version for now…


(X happened because Y)

Because I didn’t do my research for the purposes of this document ratification means anything that makes something “real” that happened in trance. Like when you use an ideomotor response for agreement in trance, or some sort of contingent suggestion like “and when your mind has accepted these suggestions, you’ll feel your body relax and crumble.”

Tacit Contract

(You will make X happen, and Y will verify that it is ratified)

I’d armchair argue that tacit contacts are a type of ratification. You set up a response to indicate something else has been accepted or will happen. An example of this is the ‘little shelf’ induction. The meat has the subject comfortably let a hand ‘float’ in the air. You suggest that as soon as it finishes settling down, they’ll be in a deep trance.

You could say - ‘when your unconscious mind has fully accepted these suggestions, you can nod and smile’ like Mark Wiseman, or something as simple as ‘and when your mind has made all the changes necessary for these suggestions to take place, you can feel your eyes slowly begin to open.‘

Finger Snaps

Haha do it, coward.

Don’t be an idiot.

Snaps are great in sessions. But doing something every time anyone snaps their fingers is like having Alexa automatically order toilet paper every time someone sneezes. It’s funny but I feel a second hand embarrassment watching.

Seriously - please don’t do this. I’m tired of asking groups if I can snap my fingers or use a training clicker. Add some context.

Open Triggers

I wouldn’t recommend these. Some hypnosubs initially like the idea of having just anyone walk up to them and be able to push their buttons. Generally, I’ve heard a few weeks later they’ll talk about how they’re less turned on and more annoyed by the situation.

Shoot yourself in the foot any way you want with RACK - I don’t feel like I need to preach and limit what consenting adults can do with each other. However, realize that open triggers are further in the deep end than you’d suspect on the surface.

Further Reading