Your Induction Sucks
The Hypnoquickies.
Short, technique-focused writeups to get you in trouble - fast.
Because everyone has time for a quickie.
A brisk walkthrough on what hypnosis is, how to find and work with subjects, and the bare minimum on avoiding shit going sour.
Lv0 - Your First Induction
Doing your first session - simple as a grilled cheese sandwich.
Lv1 - Pre-talk
Pre-talk. Not just where the magic starts - but where it happens.
Lv2 - Beginner Toolkit
Practical, simple patterns and approaches with a smattering of theory dashed on top.
Lv3 - Going Further
Suggestions - but better. Building your own triggers, intensifying phenomena, and working with low responders.
Cream of the Crop
Look I really don't want to resort to a size innuendo - but there's a lot on this website. Here's a few things worth checking out.
Developing Suggestions and Getting Phenomena
Notes on a spicier, useful take on how to approach street hypnosis from Kev Sheldrake - they know their shit.
Mind Play Bonus Bits
Mind Play is a great starting point for hypnokink. That being said - when suggestions aren't effective, it'll leave you a bit lost. I wrote up some notes trying to fill in the gaps that wouldn't fit into a kink-centric intro.
Response Expectancy
How to put Irving Kirsch and Steven Jay Lynn's late 90s model of hypnotic response into practice. Provides a useful and straightforward approach - even if the theory doesn't explain EVERY phenomena.
Book Reviews
I read and talk a lot of shit. I'm probably wrong about a lot of it. But at least I've read about it.
Book Notes.
Notes I've taken. Here's some of the highlights.
(The toaster in the background will be very mad at you if only read my notes. Please support the authors.)
Hypnosis with the Hard to Hypnotize
Be more intentional with your suggestions, as well more aware of your subject's experience.
Hypnosis without Trance
Street hypnosis at it's best. The book that changed everything for me.
Kinky NLP
NLP made worthwhile.
Clinical Hypnosis and Self Regulation
Even though this is from the late 90's, my go-to recommendation for getting into academic research.
Screw this website.
Check out these other resources.
(I see how it is.)
Truly dedicated to the art of phenomena and ritual, from someone with a far greater understanding of psychology than my own.
Cosmic Pancakes
A wealth of information and solid book reviews from a researcher in the field.
Binaural Histolog
Like my website - but more bigger better with bonus brain.
Learn Hypnokink
From sleepingirl - arguably a much easier introduction to hypnosis.